A20: ”Complementary Agreement No. 18” (CA18) came into force on May 1st, 2006, a very important date not to forget because, as of this date, new Inuit eligibility criteria and Enrolment procedures took effect.
Decision-making power regarding enrolment of Inuit beneficiaries is certainly one of the major changes under the new Regime. While under the old Section 3 of the JBNQA, the decision making power was in the hands of the Secretary-general who, as a civil servant from the Quebec ministry of Health and Social services, was applying the conditions for eligibility contained at the old regime (Inuit ancestry and birth, adoption, marriage), since May 1st 2006, the decision making power is devolved in the hands of the Community Enrolment Committees who have now the responsibility to decide upon their own community beneficiaries’ list via the work of their Community Enrolment Committee.
The Community Enrolment Committees apply their discretion in implementing the criteria listed at the CA18, in order to take a decision on the application presented by an individual, or his/her legal representative for minors.
The Community Enrolment Committees must render decisions diligently by implementing the criteria set out in CA18 in an informed, fair and consistent manner.