A message from our subsidiary
At Canadian North, the safety and well-being of our passengers, customers and employees is always our number one priority. With this in mind, we would like to provide an update on the ongoing global response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and the proactive actions our team is taking to safeguard everyone within our care. While the Public Health Agency of Canada continues to classify the risk to Canadians from this virus as ‘low’ and we are maintaining normal operations, we are fully aware that we provide essential services to the people, communities and organizations that depend on us so we must remain particularly vigilant to this situation.
As part of our robust safety management program, we have a cross-functional team in place with representation from all parts of our operations to ensure that we are taking all necessary precautions. This includes:
- Daily monitoring of updates from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
- Revisions to our inflight procedures, which includes the suspension of blanket, pillow and hot towel services, the thorough wiping down of all galley surfaces with antiseptic wipes before and after each meal service and the use of sanitary gloves by Flight Attendants when handling garbage and other used items.
- The implementation of enhanced aircraft cabin grooming processes, which includes the regular disinfection of commonly-touched surfaces such as tray tables, seat armrests and headrests, seatbelt buckles, overhead lighting and ventilation controls, overhead luggage bin door latches and lavatory door handles and fixtures. We are using Oxivir Wipes on all of our aircraft, an approved disinfectant product that is effective against this virus strain and other pathogens. It contains common ingredients that are safe for humans to handle and be around, and because it is a hydrogen peroxide-based product, it breaks down to water and oxygen after use, limiting its environmental impact.Our Facilities and base management teams are taking similar steps to ensure that our customer-facing facilities and offices are thoroughly cleaned with approved disinfecting solutions each day and our locations are stocked with soap, paper towels and cleaning materials.
- Providing clear direction to our team members on how to safeguard the health of themselves and others. For example:
- Washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Avoiding the touching of eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Covering coughs or sneezes with a tissue, then throwing the tissues in the trash. If a tissue is unavailable, coughs or sneezes should be directed the person’s sleeve or elbow.
- Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Avoiding direct contact with others who are ill.
- If ill, staying home from work to rest, avoiding direct contact with others and seeking medical attention if necessary.
In the event that a passenger becomes ill while onboard our aircraft, our flight crews are trained to quickly assess the situation and provide the appropriate assistance while minimizing exposure to other passengers, just like they would during any other circumstances. Crew members have access to real-time medical support and can request for first responders to meet the aircraft upon arrival while ensuring that public health authorities are immediately informed of the situation.
Canadian North’s senior leadership team has taken this opportunity to proactively review our Business Continuity Plan so that we are prepared for any possible developments that would require us to adjust our operations while continuing to maintain the essential flow of passengers and materials to all of our locations. This includes identifying key operational personnel and the coverage that would be required if they were temporarily unavailable, making sure that our administrative team members have the resources required for them to work from home if necessary and ensuring we have contingency plans in place to temporarily adjust our schedule while minimizing the impact on those we serve.
We will continue to follow the direction of public health authorities and will provide additional communications if further developments occur.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support,
Canadian North’s most up to date information can be found by following this link > https://canadiannorth.com/coronavirus/
Johnny Adams
Executive Chairman, Canadian North